Tarsands Oil refinery, Canada
Tarsands Oil refinery, Canada
  • New photos uploaded
    • 13/11/2011
big treesbig trees 2found itsunset on the pacificseasidehitching south
  • Crescent City
    • 07/11/2011
Finally reached the California coast, allbeit right up in the north, in a town which has been hit by two tsunamis...
Saw a few huge Redwood trees from the bus on the way in, but have been unable to actually get to the forest due to lack of transport... so yesterday i went on a weird tour of a lighthouse inhabited by two women, one of whom seems to hate the other, whilst "the other" is oblivious and laughs hysterically about anything.
Both were very knowledgeable about the origin of various pieces of furniture but not much else!

And i took lots of photos of waves and sunsets, but then my memory card had some sort of malfunction and 1000 photos vanished. Fortunately they are all backed up apart from the ones from that day, but concerning none the less.

Onwards and southwards!
  • bus poem
    • 06/11/2011
Gazing out the window, forgetting all i see
tree river rock valley house rock tree
seen so many wonders, no room in my memory
for more trees rivers rocks valleys house rock tree

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